(css: "font-size: 250%;") [<center> [[Distributing Babel -> day 1]] </center>]
<center>(link-reveal: "Day One")[
<div class="fade-in"><p align="left">Karen’s home birth was a ruckus. As soon as the baby passed through her loins, the room was filled with the sharpness of his cries. Confused by the strange sounds coming out of the infant’s mouth, the family quickly noticed that the baby was saying “BLEACH.”
With each cry, “BLEACH.” Distinctly pronouncing the Bs and the Es and the Ls and the CHs, “BLEACH.” Aunt Cecilia, the ad honorem midwife, was the last to notice. As soon as she did, she dropped the baby to the floor. Thud. The baby screamed “BLEACH” a little bit louder.
In the corner, the cat meowed, “FUEGO.” (link-reveal: "Grandma passed out.")[<div class="fade-in"><center><i>
[[Creatures that couldn’t speak before learned a single new word.-> day 2]]
]<center/><center>(link-reveal: "Day Two")[<div class="fade-in">
<p align="left">When Janice turned on the TV, every channel was a slowly moving tapestry of impossible geometries. She turned it off and on, adjusted the cables, and even gave it two good whacks on the side to no avail. In a fit of rage uncharacteristic of Janice’s otherwise monastic demeanor, she pulled the TV off the wall and threw it to the floor. Half broke, the TV still displayed indiscernible figures moving in a calm and controlled manner, almost as if breathing.
In lieu of sound, the room was filled with incoherent beeping. (link-reveal: "Bip. Bop. Bip. Bip. Bop.")[<div class="fade-in"><center><i>
[[Copyrighted materials became readable only to the copyright holder.-> day 3]]
]<center/><center>(link-reveal: "Day Three")[<div class="fade-in">
<p align="left">Desperate to tweet about the unconscionable traffic jam that had befallen the city, Aadesh unlocked his phone just to see a seemingly infinite stream of ones and zeroes that wouldn’t respond to his furious tapping. He turned it off and on, removed and reinserted the battery, and even gave it two good whacks on the side to no avail. The chihuahua dog in the car beside his kept barking, “PROLETARIAT,” “PROLETARIAT.” Aadesh screamed.
Fuming, he stormed out of the car and walked towards the horizon. His Fitbit recorded his steps. (link-reveal: "Aadesh had reached his daily goal but had no way of knowing.")[<div class="fade-in"><center><i>
[[All translations reverted back to their original language.-> day 4]]
]<center/><center>(link-reveal: "Day Four")[<div class="fade-in">
<p align="left">Boris couldn’t answer the officer’s third question. The first two were easy. “Do you leave alone?” - No. “Is everyone alright” - Yes. “How many people live in this house?” Boris knew. His wife, his mother, his two children, and himself. Boris tried to answer, but there was a sudden stillness in his throat, a stroke of darkness, a missing synapse, a silence. Boris stuttered a sound that was not a word. The officer asked again. “Sir, how many people live in this house?” Incapable of turning his answer into something intelligible, he decided to add the cat to the tally. He tried to convey his newly ascertained response and found, once again, only darkness.
Not knowing what else to do, (link-reveal: "Boris shut the door in the officer’s face.")[<div class="fade-in"><center><i>
[[The numbers between four and seven disappeared from print and memory.-> day 7]]
]<center/><center>(link-reveal: "Day Seven")[<div class="fade-in">
<p align="left">As the city burned, Leonor entered the Seven-Eleven with the intent of trading paper money for a Jalapeño Cream Cheese Taquito. She tried to place her order, but the cashier returned a dumfounded, almost annoyed look. Leonor tried again, this time enunciating with care. Ja-la-pe-no. The cashier turned his palms to the sky and shrugged. Annoyed, Leonor pulled a piece of paper out of her purse and wrote her order down with meticulous calligraphy.
(link-reveal: "The piece of paper read:")[<div class="fade-in">
(live: 0.5s)[(either: "I", "would", "like", "a", "Jalapeño", "Cream", "Cheese", "Taquito", "please")] (live: 0.5s)[(either: "I", "would", "like", "a", "Jalapeño", "Cream", "Cheese", "Taquito", "please")] (live: 0.5s)[(either: "I", "would", "like", "a", "Jalapeño", "Cream", "Cheese", "Taquito", "please")] (live: 0.5s)[(either: "I", "would", "like", "a", "Jalapeño", "Cream", "Cheese", "Taquito", "please")] (live: 0.5s)[(either: "I", "would", "like", "a", "Jalapeño", "Cream", "Cheese", "Taquito", "please")] (live: 0.5s)[(either: "I", "would", "like", "a", "Jalapeño", "Cream", "Cheese", "Taquito", "please")] (live: 0.5s)[(either: "I", "would", "like", "a", "Jalapeño", "Cream", "Cheese", "Taquito", "please")] (live: 0.5s)[(either: "I", "would", "like", "a", "Jalapeño", "Cream", "Cheese", "Taquito", "please")] (live: 0.5s)[(either: "I", "would", "like", "a", "Jalapeño", "Cream", "Cheese", "Taquito", "please")]
(link-reveal: "Leonor wept.")[<div class="fade-in"><center><i>
[[Words would no longer stay put.-> end]]
]<center/>[(css: "font-size: 150%;") [<center> (live: 0.2s)[(either: "01110100 01101000 01100101", "01100101 01101110 01100100")] (live: 0.2s)[(either: "01110100 01101000 01100101", "01100101 01101110 01100100")] </center>]]
<div class="fade-in">(link:"--Start Over--")[(reload:)]